I forgot to tell you a few weeks ago that we have some chilli chocolate for sale online in Australia as it's sort of winter here (in some parts of the country.)
We only have 7/10 available and it's on the site now - www.bunstersworldwide.com
Shipping is $6 but if you buy 4 items of anything (except stubby holders) shipping is free so why not head over and stock up on a few choccies and sauces.
Fathers Day is 2 months away if you want to get organised for that and buy dad some goodies. But lets face it you'll probably eat it before then anyway but it was the thought that counted. You are really thoughtful like that.
We sold out of the Shit the Bed chocolate really quickly, we will get around to cooking some more but at the moment I'm focussing on creating some more hot sauces. There is still some Shit the Bed chocolate in stores around Perth.
Hang tight yanks, chocolate will ship again when it's cold (Amazon's rules not ours).
Joel Embiid on Hot Ones
So last week on Hot Ones was Joel Embiid, who is a massive basket baller and plays for the Philly 76ers in the NBA. The most amazing thing happened during this show - he knew our sauce. Check this out:
You know the feeling when you show people your bottle of Shit the Bed for the first time? Imagine that from your basketball team - and your team is the Philly 76ers and you're the rookie of the year. What a champ Ben is.
Back home and some Huxtaburger stores have still got our sauce and are pumping out the Bunsta-Burger if you ask for it:

Melted cheese
Mayo, lettuce, pickles and Shit the Bed

Until next week stay awesome.
x Bunster